Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Main meal

Here is a typical dinner for the boys. This is a mix of chicken wings, thighs, gizzards, green blend and multi vitamin powder called daily blend.

I add water otherwise they eat it too fast.


Nova said...

hey I am nova and ive been following you!

I was wondering if you could lay out sunday-saturday meal plan you have. and is the green powder for dogs or how does that work?

Also, nova is only 6 months and I would like to get into feeding raw. I watch Honey the Dane on youtube and she is 6 or 8 years old and she is just as young as ever on a raw diet.

I am getting into all the books and doing A WHOLE BUNCH of research before I ever start introducing this so it will be a while but once I have this down do you think its okay to start nova on a raw diet and see how she does or should I wait until she is a year old or so?

Thomas said...

I feed pretty much the same every day.

Take a look at these pages:



The Green Blend and the Daily Blend I get from b-naturals I buy the 5lbs cans.
I like these people and they have super fast shipping.

You can feed Nova raw. I would start out with 2-3 chicken wings, chicken thighs (without the bones). Then every 3-4 days add some chicken gizzards, liver, hearts if you can find it. If she tolerates this you can add other meats and bones.
I pretty much stick with the above. If you add something like Daily Blend and Green Blend Nova should get everything she need nutrition wise and live for a long time.

I feed my 3 year old about 2 lbs a day. Get a scale an weigh what you feed every day. Start with about 1 to 1 1/2 lbs and watch how she develops.

There is a book called switching to raw that is pretty good. I think most that feed raw have complicated this too much though. As long as Nova get bones, some organ meats and the supplements she should be fine. You can also add a raw egg a couple of days a week. But keep it simple to start with.

Let me know if you need to know more.

One thing if she throws anything up.... do not worry and let her eat it again (I know kind of gross, but sometime the meat and bones goes down wrong and they need to rearranged it). If she eats too fast add water into the bowl to slow her down.

First time, it may take a few minutes until she get used to the raw food, but when she figure out how to crack the bones she will be good from there.