Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rex made his first noise today.

Today Rex let me know that his leg hurts him a little. I can best describe the noise as something between a grunt and a yelp, very short less than a second, not laud. He makes it when he exits the door going down a few steps and when he walks down a  ramp I use for him when he exits the truck.  It's seems to be his right rear food dragging and bending backwards that causes this. I have to help him out, which I've done for months, but this is new.

Rex has a rather low threshold for pain, something I have learned over the years. but pain is pain and that's my number one concern. I will never let him live a life in pain. It's a bit frustrating since everything else is functioning very well with Rex. He's alert, has great eye sight and hearing. All organs are in good shape. I'm changing his joint supplements to see if that make a difference.

Rex still walked the entire trail this morning and the afternoon.

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