Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hello folks

6:00 am
It's Sunday July 26th and I just started this blog to test Blogger. I have always been a Word Press guy, but I'm curious to how Blogger works. I'm currently in Park City, Utah where I'm preparing for a 5 year journey with my two Great Danes Camelot ll and Rex.

In order to test this blog I will post daily. It may not be the most interesting posts since we are not traveling at the time. But, for my mom and family they're just happy to hear from me. I like to find the best method and software to use for my blogging before I take of on my journey.

3:30 pm

Afternoon walk. It's hot, 80 plus degrees and my Danes do not particularly like this warm weather. Rex slows down quite a bit. He is more active on his morning and evening walks. He likes to drink water from a bottle. I know when he is thirsty, he will lick himself around his mouth. I can tell he's thinking of water. If I don't pay attention he will bump his nose on my bottles.

Camelot ll did not know how to drink from a bottle when I got him. After watching Rex he figured out this new way of drinking.

They do this very differently. Rex is gentle and barely touches the bottle. Camelot drinks exactly like Camelot l. He attacks the bottle thinking the harder he licks the more he gets.

If it is really hot we only walk for 20 minutes. I have to pour water over Camelot's body to keep him cool. I'm amazed how hot his black coat gets. When he gets too hot he will seek out any shade he can find. It's very important to give dogs water when it is hot since they can't sweat like humans and can easily get heat stroke.