Friday, July 31, 2009

Return to a favorite trail

This morning i decided it was time to return to a trail that I have not been to since Camelot l died. This was his favorite trail, we have walked this trail during fall, winter, spring and summer and it has a lot of fond memories. It was just to hard walking here without Camelot l. I know all his favorite spots he used to check out on every hike.

But, this morning it felt right to introduce Camelot ll to this trail. He loved it, so many smells to investigate and he was running back and forth the entire time with his tail wagging. It warms my heart to see him so happy.

This is a challenging trail and I was concerned that Rex would not make it all the way. This little trooper did so well and I'm so proud of him. He got so much stamina, not the fastest dog around but he throttle along at an even pace. We have to wait for him now and then when he come across something interesting to smell. Sometimes he stands and smell for several minutes. I'm being patient and wait for him. He does not have much time left on this earth so I want him to enjoy every minute of it. It gives me such pleasure just seeing him back on this trail that we have walked hundreds of times.

This trail is located at Canyon Ski Resort and has a great variety of vegetation. It goes from grassy ski slopes through thick aspen and pine forests which provides lots of shade and protection from the sun. Clear cold brooks with water from melting ice ensures plenty of clean water for the dogs.

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